Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A line!

Don't get your hopes up this post has nothing to do with me... and everything to do with my best friend. She's been ttc for over a year. She's got endo, has had a recent miscarriage in May and it really took a hell of a lot out of her. And she finally got a line... God willing in 9 months she will have her little miracle. I'm ecstatic for her. Both my husband and I are ecstatic for her. I've written before that if I had only 1 magic pill that would allow a person to become pregnant I would give it to her. It's true... she's my best friend... she's my sister and I so know that she will be an excellent mom. So if anyone is reading - say a prayer up for my best friend. I want her to have an uneventful 9 months... nothing but happiness and on a sappy note - go look at the children's book "God Gave You to Us" it'll make you cry - but in a good way...

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