Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I stumbled upon this on one of the message boards I frequent and I watched it and thought - wow she understands. Music is something I find comfort in and there are a few songs that hold special meaning for me. 100 years by Five for Fighting is our song. I vetoed a number of other "okay" songs, but 100 years is something that I get goose bumps even now when I listen to it. Father & Daughter by Paul Simon from The Wild Thornberry's is also special for me. It's about that love between a father and daughter and boy do I miss that.

Ultimately music soothes my soul. It's something I find comfort in and enjoy and just love. I hope this baby does as well. I'm sure I've innundated it with a number of songs that it would probably go "thumbs down" on. However I hope that there is a natural love for music as well as books. Because those are things that I feel are important.

Sorry to be quiet - while working 6 in a row things are so hectic that it's hard for me to get on the computer. Even now I should be sleeping. I have 1 more night to get through.


Unknown said...

Dear Sami, thanks for sharing that! I cried.

Have a good night tonight and then enjoy your much-needed rest!

alisa said...

I have 2 lullaby CDs that I play for my daughter all the time, ever since she was born. I still turn them on when I leave her in her room at night. They're both by Kenny Loggins (shudder)and they're "Return to Pooh Corner" and "More from Pooh Corner" (I think). Really soothing music to sleep by for babies. someone recommended them to me and I thought that they were crazy - I was so wrong.

Brandy said...

Wow, she really does understand. I sat and cried at my desk as I watched this video. Even now that I can hold my sweet baby in my arms the sting and pain of infertility is still raw and painful. Thank you for sharing this.

battynurse said...

I too find music and books soothing to me. Books help me forget the day to day stuff and escape and music helps me relax and cope. Hang in there for that last night. I don't know how you manage 6, I sure couldn't.

A said...

I just bawled hysterically watching that video. I'd never seen it before, but I posted it on a couple of my other infertility message boards. Thanks for sharing!!

Kristin, Rod, and Victoria said...

Beautiful. The song and your words.

On another note... I think that's the first time you actually referred to NN as your baby?!? Hopefully you get more comfortable with that.