Thursday, September 23, 2010


I've worked nights for the last 15 years... I briefly worked days about 10 years ago, but quickly went back to nights. Recently a position has been posted that would allow me to go to days for 12 hours- 3 days a week. I'm very torn. My husband works nights and has no desire to go to days.

Going to days means a lot of change for me... for an antisocial girl like me it would mean more people... more bustle... I like the people I work with. They're great. I'm comfortable.

I don't know if it would be better for Squeaker if I worked days or not. I don't know if it would be easier for my mom if I worked days or not... I'm very torn and indecisive about this. I don't know if when we add a second child to this family it would be easier for everyone if I was on days or not. It's just a hard thing to think about.

So... here I sit trying to come up with an answer and good old husband says "Do what you think is best." Gee thanks...


Amy said...

OMG, that is such a "Dan" answer (I mean my Dan LOL!). That's exactly what he'd say. It's like, "Oh gee, Honey, now you've made it abundantly easier!"

Brandy said...

Have you talked to your mom about what she thinks and how it would affect her? That's my only thought in at least getting another voice for your decision. Good luck!