Friday, September 07, 2007

1 week...

What a week it has been....

We came home on Monday - oddly enough Labor Day in the US. Feeding issues abounded of course. We were still trying the every 3 hour thing. Which seemed to be working.

Tuesday came and our first doctor's appointment. Squeaky weighed in at 5 lbs 8 oz. Down another ounce from discharge weight... so we were told to increase his feedings to every 2-2.5 hours. Yes - you read that right - 2-2.5 hours. This includes pumping - trying to get him to latch on and well you now are getting an idea of how things have been going. We also had his bilirubin checked and it came back at 13.4 so we became the proud renters of a bili blanket.

Wednesday was spent saying goodbye to my in laws... wishing D was not going to work - his fmla would start on Friday - guilt... oh the guilt. D thought he could go back to work then Squeaky decided to add the bili blanket and the 2 hour feedings and D got to see his wife (me) go I am not going to be doing this alone with the help of my mom. D agreed and told the chief that he had to be there for me and Squeaky.

Thursday came with me taking Squeaky to the ped's office for yet another blood draw aka heel poke and I asked for another weight check. He was still 5 lbs 8 oz. Talk about frustration. Lab results came back at 13.1 for the bili and we earned yet another night with the blanket and a recheck in the afternoon. Fortifier aka protein powder as D calls it to be added to his breastmilk that I pump.

Friday - 1 week old today. I can hardly believe that this whirl wind has been my personal story... today's blood test showed that the blanket is working - 10.3 for the bili and his weight at the lactation consultant was up 5 lbs 10 oz (I believe this scale a heck of a lot more than the ped's office as it's digital.) My nipples are on a rest from breastfeeding so I will be pumping until at the earliest Tuesday. Squeaky was making mincemeat of them. The bili blanket is on until at least Monday.

My dial-up is acting up so I will try to post a picture soon... in the meantime... we're here - we're alive... and we're so very in love with the pip squeak... aka Squeaky.


statia said...

You know, as much as I wished at that point for a longer period between feeds, I think the Mini ate every 2-2.5 hours too. You feel like that's your entire life, but you're so freaking exhausted that it goes by faster than you think. At the same time you feel like time is going backwards. It's the weirdest phenomenom. But it's still such a great feeling to be able to have that bonding time with them.

And the Mini is still on pretty much a 3-3.5 hour feeding schedule if you throw in his meals and bottles.

Hope everything is going ok with the pooches.

And I totally miss the squeaking. *sigh*

Unknown said...

Dear Sami, that sounds truly exhausting! I hope things get better very, very soon, so you can get some sleep in addition to pumping...

I'm so glad that you're so in love. That makes me so happy for you...

Thalia said...

it sounds very tiring, I'm scared! I hope the bili blanket and extra protein keeps working. Hang in there!

Maribeth said...

You are doing great! I am so proud of you, and so happy too!

DinosaurD said...

Yaayyyy Sam (and Sami) - higher weight and lower billi. When we were hospitalized the second time we were told to feed as often as possible. Sometimes we were every hour or hour and a half and it's been a cycle that's hard to break. I dream of going 3 or 3 and a half hours (sigh).
Hang in there (hugs to Ernie).

Rachel said...

I am glad that you love your son so much. I know it is frustrating when the little ones don't gain much weight. Hang in there, he'll get the eating thing figured out and catch up before you know it.

The Karkins Family said...

It is so great that you love your son so much! I am so happy for you that after all the hoping and praying your little one is finally here. You'll have to let us all know your new blog address when you change it, because you know it's not "maybe baby" anymore - Your little squeaker is here now! ;-)Good luck with breastfeeding. Mincemeat is definitely what mine turned into too! Ouch!