Monday, May 29, 2006

Well Hmmm...

First hCG: 697 mIU/ml Second hCG: 1280 mIU/ml
hCG Difference:583 mIU/ml Time Difference: 48 hours
Total hCG Increase: 84 % (1.8)
Daily Rate Increase: 36% (1.36) Two Day Rate Increase: 84% (1.84)
1st Day hCGAs If:948 mIU/ml 2 Days hCG As If:1285 mIU/ml
Assessment: The Two-Day hCG rise was 84% and is considered adequate.

My progesterone level for Saturday was 19.3... so yeah uhmm still "not negative". Will know more tomorrow when my RE's office calls and we discuss u/s etc. On a positive note it's nice to be thought of as "average"

Please again NO congratulations... last year at this exact time I had properly doubled betas and that was ECTOPIC. Yes, these numbers are different, but we are waiting for that definitive something in the uterus with a heartbeat. Then we'll breathe a bit. Until then... we're trying not to jiggle anything loose... expecting the worst but hoping for the best.

*Graph and percentage increase courtesy of


Plant Girl said...

No congrats here, not so patiently waiting for the next news...

Anonymous said...

"NBHY". Will keep fingers crossed for you.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on not getting the hopes up. I have had a perfectly doubling beta, no bleeding, and am waiting for an u/s too. This after three pregnancy's in the last year, yet no take home baby. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sami. I was away from the Internet for a few days, so I just found your news today. I completely understand about not wanting to get your hopes up. I wish you all the best, though, and am keeping you in my prayers.

C_L said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed you are in my prayers