Saturday, May 27, 2006

Emergency Update System


This interruption is to update regarding the fertility cycle... There are some ground rules... if you can't abide by them then don't comment okay? See the rules at the end...

We apparently have no idea what a "rest" cycle entails... and somehow in spite of our best efforts (okay they were shoddy at best) managed to get what we are calling "not negative" rather than that awful p word we will not be calling it a p until well after an u/s (never gotten there before) reveals something in the vacinity of the uterus with a heartbeat. I started the prometrium back up a week ago and the hpt's have gotten darker... We have the first beta result of 697 for 19 or 20 dpo. No we're not getting excited or our hopes up. We've been burnt to many times now to do that. If we are of course proven wrong - GREAT... if not then SUCK... but either way we're doing okay! Just wanted to give you guys the news.

This concludes the emergency update system... please go back to your regularly scheduled programs and lives... and uhmm yeah... not sure what else to say but it's "not negative".

The rules are as follows...

1. Do NOT call this the p word... either of the p words okay?
2. No congratulations...
3. Keeping your fingers crossed and praying that this not negative turns into a p is fine.
4. Sending me false hope is not... we have a shoddy record. The last time we had this kind of a number it was ectopic. I again am not getting my hopes up until we see something with a heartbeat and it's located somewhere in the uterus... because really not wanting a shot in the ass of battery acid is not too much to hope for.


Anonymous said...

I understand your wishes totally. Good luck to you and may things go smoothly.

Anonymous said...

In the words of Grrl, NBHHY (Nothing Bad Has Happened Yet). Keeping my fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Pretty much the only thing you've left people to say is - That's interesting!

DinosaurD said...

Sami - you know I "get" the whole scenario (having been there way too many times when it turned into disappointment).
However, I am very relieved that you at least will allow me to hope for you (nothing too over the top and I in no way demand that you hope as well).
And my goodness woman, do you even know how not to get a "not negative"? Hum, too many negatives and we are soon talking in some sort of wierd code.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you good thoughts. I remember feeling the same way when we got our last 'not neg'. I really hope everything works out ok this time.

Plant Girl said...

Okay, so I totally sent you an e-mail that blatantly disobeyed rule #2. Oops. Guess you better come all the way to Idaho and smack me! ;) (Sorry -- I sent the e-mail before I came and checked this...)