Monday, February 05, 2007

What Else Can Go Wrong?

*warning* worked all night, have had a really bad day - typos and errors are the result of my evil twin Samanthanella queen of salmonella!

First did you know there was a blizzard where I lived? No??? Well there was. Let me just say I'm not a big fan of snow so a blizzard when I have to work and D has to work is not a good thing. D for obvious reasons he'll be out in the blizzard, me because well that generally means we'll have a lot of patients.

So we've been digging ourselves out from under the arctic blast of air. The dogs of course are not thrilled with the temperature and Chance has taken to peeing on the porch as if to say - you think I'm walking in this... I think not.

In other dog news - because well heck I think you guys enjoy reading about the hijinks that occur at our house. Ernie has busted his kennel. I mean he has seriously messed the thing up. So much so that when we took Emmy (puppy teal) to the vet to get vaccinated we talked with the vet about what to do. Ernie has separation anxiety as well as some noise phobias. Things have gotten worse over the last 3-4 months. His poor kennel everytime we come home is in a different spot then it was when we put him in it. We tried a dog appeasing pheremone thingie and well insetad of calming him - he barked incessantly. So Ernie my sweet puppy dog is now being given xanax when we go to work or have to go anywhere. This is a short term solution as we're having those high priced dog behaviorists out on Thursday to hopefully help us with all our problem pooches.

So back to the kennel... I went to work and D decided that he didn't feel comfortable putting Ernie in that kennel as it wouldn't hold him. So he left Ernie in the spare bedroom with Lola in her kennel and a kong with peanut butter frozen. He calls and lets me know this information while I'm at work and he's halfway to work. Gee thanks honey... I would have taken my chances on the kennel rather than the chances that my house is going to be destroyed when I get home. We also had to leave the puppies in the bathroom as they have mastered escaping from the x-pen.

Lets just say yesterday morning was interesting. I arrived home and opened the door and there's Ernie with a rawhide in his mouth. Nothing in the house was destroyed although he did put some scratches in the bedroom door.

The bathroom however - well that was a whole different story... I had poop from one end of the bathroom to the other. The little shits had even gotten up onto the edge of the garden tub and put a poopy paw print on the back wall. Great just great... and Meg had pooped in her kennel. She apparently ate something that didn't agree with her and had diarrhea. I wanted to puke - anyone would have. D finally got home and he tackled all the poop issues and well... I dealt with the dogs.

While dealing with the dogs Ernie jumped over the gate and landed on Meg. Meg lashed out and well you guessed it... Ernie got bit on the ear. She tore a small chunk. Let me just say I was able to clean him up great yesterday. Today however Ernie decided that he needed to scratch his head and well I came to the living room and find what appears to be a crime scene of a bloody murder. I have blood spatters up the wall and an area of carpet that has blood spatter. It looks like someone was shot. So now Ernie has a bandage on his head I've replaced 3 times (he wiggles out of it) and Chance's e-collar. He's thrilled. So much so that he is running into us every opportunity so now I have even more bruises than I did before.

Right now I'd like a drink...something fruity and alcoholic. However since the jury is still out on whether or not we'll have a heartbeat I figured I can always drink tomorrow if I get bad news.

Oh yes and one of my dear friends in real life is pregnant... to me while I am ecstatic for her - she's a great lady and her and her husband are one of the few couples D and I go out with... The thought crossed my mind that since her pregnancy will most likely be successful mine won't. I know she would do just about anything to help me to have a successful pregnancy and so I haven't told her that thought. I think it would reveal how truly cynical I have become from all of this.

D isn't talking about this... in fact he's trying to ignore this. Other than not having s*x and asking me if the spotting is still there (yes, it is I call it my slow old brown blood ooze) he'd prefer to not even consider what tomorrow will bring... whether it be good news or bad news. He's against saying anything to his parents, but wants to tell my mom - because she'll understand.

So... will post a picture of Ernie looking like a doofus. Will update tomorrow with the u/s results.


DinosaurD said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow (i may even interupt my bedrest to look for an update) and I love hearing about the dogs. I swear, if I lived closer I'd be trying to figure out how to dognap Ernie (sorry about all the bruises but at least he seems like he's in fairly good spirits?)

DinosaurD said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow (i may even interupt my bedrest to look for an update) and I love hearing about the dogs. I swear, if I lived closer I'd be trying to figure out how to dognap Ernie (sorry about all the bruises but at least he seems like he's in fairly good spirits?)

Plant Girl said...

Sounds like an eventful couple of days around su casa. Especially w/ all the poopy "episodes". Ugh. Logan did that one (diarrhea) in the kitchen in Provo when my HG was at its worst. It was all I could do to not hurl the entire time I was cleaning -- C was conveniently out of town on business...BTW, how's Mr. Chance feeling?

Hoping beyond hope for good news tomorrow at your scan!

DD said...

Did DinoD just write "keeping fingers crossed"??? OMG, the world just stopped spinning.

(I'm crossing my fingers, too)