Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Whole New World...

Who would have thought that bright colored murals would make a person change their total personality...

I didn't think it was possible. I just new I had to make a change. A change occurred.

I originally was slated to work 3 days on the peds floor. I arrived on Thursday to the locker room where I met my preceptor and found out we were working PICU. I made the choice as to which patient we were taking... My preceptor spent the whole day saying - she's teaching me things. I was starting to get embarrassed. I met various pediatric intensivists and they kept saying "We've heard a lot about you." I looked at them and said - that makes me nervous I hope it was good. I saw my trauma docs... the guys from downstairs and they looked relieved and happy to see me - asking me particular questions and taking me aside to ask how my patient was doing. It was a great first day...

My second was also in PICU... my preceptor was a wonderful PICU nurse who had a ton of knowledge... while my first day dealt with a trauma patient that was 12... my second was a baby... the injuries don't match the story - enough said... the outcome will not be good for this beautiful baby, I said some prayers as infants are definitely out of my area of comfort so to speak... my preceptor was gracious and willing to teach. Fontanels are something I can honestly say haven't felt much before... sutures - yeah uhm no not those eithers... unless we're talking about skin sutures... we're talking about the skull bones. The education guru called and made a request - if I could go to PICU on nights on Saturday... I said yes... I have a feeling - my orientation may be shorter than it originally was going to be. It's just a hunch, but so far I haven't ended up in peds yet... which is where they were hoping to get my variety of experiences so to speak... we shall see...

I think this change was for the better. Yes, I will see a whole lot more heartache... but I will hopefully see a whole lot more miracles. I pray that that is the case. I pray I am able to make a difference in one child's life. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of teaching... The wonderful nurses who started my orientation have left a mark on me... a good one. I now know this was the RIGHT move for me.

I can breathe easier... I can joke... these people are just getting to know me and are excited to have me. It's flattering. I hope I live up to the image they have made in their minds. I hope I continue to learn... and that I don't get hardened by the things I will see.

D started his new job today - I hope his first day went well... I think he got pepper sprayed... oh and we love our new washer and dryer... may have to post a pic next week.


Maribeth said...

Wonderful! You know the nurses in the PICU where Katie spent her final days were so great. Sometimes you know that there isn't anything you can do for the child, but there is lots you can do for the parents.
Those nirses made Katie's final days so much easier for me. I will always be grateful!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sami, I'm so glad this job sounds like the right thing for you. I can imagine there will be a lot of grief to deal with, but a lot of great experiences too. I hope you and your husband both continue to love your new jobs, and living under one roof, of course.

I'm so sorry I haven't been by for the past week. I was so distressed to hear of your nausea, but glad that it went well otherwise. May this be the last one, please please please.

Your last post was too true. How I wish this run of abysmal news would stop for you, for Jill, for Vivien, for Nikole... Hugs to you, my dear.

Marz said...

How heartbreaking to hear about the helpless children, especially infants. I'm sure you will make a difference to many children, not just one. You sound like a super compassionate person.